Monday, April 4, 2016

Hiding the Garbage - by Bob Atkinson

Hiding the Garbage
(c)2016 Bob Atkinson

we see bios written long
profuse in praise of poet's songs
those who know words to say
tell stories endless in many ways

he's this or that
she's teacher of
awarded trophies
because of.....

but where do they give
humanity something solid
fair value designed not with
ego driven noshings

no monument to carry
in our minds as we resolve
to accept as truth these
openly divine causes

hidden away, vanity books
to add to bios padded
like a mimic of some ancient crook
hand out for purses grabbing

and when you find a snippet
of words for which they care
one sees there's not much to read
wisdom lacking in a tiraded affair

so tell your institutions please
before awards please this junk read
don't throw us under a long black bus
and feel you've done some good for us

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